National Geographic Kids Book Club

10642 comments 8542 members 24 books

From the bizarre frilled shark to the wide-headed hammerhead, discover all you have ever wanted to know about sharks! This book is brimming with bite-sized facts, incredible shark stats, and unbelievable photos of sharks in the wild. Glimpse fossils of prehistoric sharks, learn exactly how many pointy teeth are in this apex predator’s mouth, and meet awesome shark relatives, like stingrays. Learn about new technologies inspired by sharks and find out what conservations are doing to help protect this misunderstood fish.

New Books (12 books)

1,000 Facts About Sharks
The Ultimate Book of Sharks
Can't Get Enough Shark Stuff: Fun Facts, Awesome Info, Cool Games, Silly Jokes, and More!
Weird But True Sharks
National Geographic Kids Mission: Shark Rescue: All About Sharks and How to Save Them (NG Kids Mission: Animal Rescue)
National Geographic Readers: Sharks!: 100 Fun Facts About These Fin-Tastic Fish
Ultimate Oceanpedia: The Most Complete Ocean Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids)
Weird But True Ocean
Extreme Ocean: Amazing Animals, High-Tech Gear, Record-Breaking Depths, and More
National Geographic Kids Puzzle Book of the Ocean
Captain Aquatica
Beneath the Waves: Celebrating the Ocean Through Pictures, Poems, and Stories

More Fun Books (12 books)

How to Survive in the Age of Pirates: A Handy Guide to Swashbuckling Adventures, Avoiding Deadly Diseases, and Escapin G the Ruthless Renegades of the High Seas
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2025
Yes! No? Maybe So...: Amazing Answers to More Than 250 Mind-Blowing Questions
Explorer Academy Vela: The Sailor Cipher (Book 1)
Ultimate Bugopedia, 2nd Edition: The Most Complete Bug Reference Ever
Weird but True! Star Wars: 300 Epic Facts from a Galaxy Far, Far Away....
Can't Get Enough Cat Stuff: Fun Facts, Awesome Info, Cool Games, Silly Jokes, and More!
Weird but True! Know-It-All: U.S. Government
Deadliest Animals on the Planet
Weird But True! Disney: 300 Wonderful Facts to Celebrate the Magic of Disney
The Ultimate Book of Reptiles: Your guide to the secret lives of these scaly, slithery, and spectacular creatures!
Ultimate Mammalpedia

Comments (10642)

Hi Everyone! Don't know if anyone remembers me, but its been a long time! Missed everyone so much. Going into middle school took such a big adjustment and much of my time....Thanks to everyone for the 85 followers I have! Help me achieve my goal to get to 100 before my b-day in august!

I remember you, welcome back! Good luck with your goal!

Yeah I remember you!! Welcome back! I hope you reach your goal (I’m already following btw 🙃)

Congratulations! I followed you! Good luck with your goal!

My weekly shoutout goes to..... @musical_nerd!! Congrats! 🎶🎼

Hey! does anyone know how to change their nickname on here? I would like to, but I can't figure out how. Thanks!

I totally forgot to send my answer, sorry.😅 But here it is: Go to the top right-hand corner, tap on your profile picture, tap settings. There you can go and change your username. Hope this helps!

On the top right hand corner of your screen, you can tap “Account Settings, which should bring you to a screen where it gives you the option to change your username, password, email, etc. There should be a box titled “Username:” and you can just delete your current username and type in what you want to change it to. Press “Update Account” and you’re done! Happy to help! ;)

@book_addict, I've been forgetting to tell you, but I really like your username - A fellow always-and-forever bookworm. 🤣🤣

Aww, thank you! I spent a LOT of time coming up with it 😆. Bookworms for life! 💕

I know how to change your username. First, you click on your avatar on the top right corner. Then you will see some options and click on the option with account settings. When you get there, you will see your username. You can change it there. Be sure to click on the green button with update account. I hope you change your nickname!

Okay so just go to settings and there will be a section where you can change your username! 😃

Thanks everyone! I got it to work.

Hiiii there everyone!!! I just got back from my 1 week long summer camp and I met many amazing people at camp and this year is my seventh (7th) year at camp! What's up?!?!

Wow, seventh year!! That’s awesome! I got to a camp in Florida for a week in July! Pretty nervous but excited too!

Okay y’all QUIZ TIME!! Since there are quite a few new members I thought basic questions would be nice so we could all get to know each other better! 1. What was the best movie you have seen this year (2024) so far? 2. Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? If so, which ones your fav? 3. Who are some role models or people you really look up to? 4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? 5. What is your favorite meal of the day? 6. What are some of your favorite hobbies? MY ANSWERS: 1. Unsung Hero (so good, I really recommend it! But bring tissues! 🤧) 2. Yes and I am currently really loving Stay True with Madison Prewett Troutt 3. I really look up to Sadie Robertson Huff, Mōriah Smallbone, and Madison Prewett Troutt (plus my parents are huge role models in my life too!) 4. I kind of want to visit Nashville. I’ve gone there once but never left the freeway 5. Lunch! 6. Listening to music, hand lettering, reading, and just relaxing….I hope you all enjoyed the quiz and I look forward your answers! 😃

1. Really I've been watching Marvel movies, because when I little I thought that they would be stupid, but they're pretty well made.. 😅 2. I don't listen to podcasts, except the ones my listens to in the car 🤣 3. My mom, dad, Fr.(......) Fr.(.....) 4. PARIS 5. Lunch? Idk... 6. My music JavaScript-HTML-CSS (Coding), going on the trampoline, sports, art, hand lettering sometimes, and hanging out with my pets!

1. I'm not really sure, I'm not big on movies. 2. Yes, I really like the sports podcast Phillies Talk! 3. My parents 4. The Cayman Islands 5. Breakfast! 6. Reading, collecting baseball cards, and watching sports! Thanks for the quiz!

Ooh the Cayman Islands! That’s really cool! And breakfast is a great one after all it is the most important meal of the day! Thanks for replying!

Hi ! I am a new member and it will be great to know everyone. - MY ANSWERS: 1.The School for Good and Evil(I just watched it a few days ago). 2.Yes! Who Smarted(It is a educational podcast that you can learn science and history). 3.Not sure:) 4.Japan or Spain. 5.Lunch,too! 6.Reading,listen to music and traveling! - Those are great questions and nice to meet you!!! 😂😂😂

Hello and welcome to the club!! That podcast sounds great! Japan would be an awesome place to visit! Also listening to music is totally my jam! Thanks for replying!

Contemporary Christian or Christian pop 🙃🎶 what about you?

I like a lot of 90s music, like Ice Ice Baby, (by vanilla ice) I also like MC Hammer, (The song "U can't touch this" and maybe pray? it gets repetitive though) MC Hammer is a Christian musician as well! I also like "Gods eyes" (By dax) I really like this one. That last one was not 90s God's eyes might honestly be my fav. I also really like Eye of the tiger (90s again) and Burning heart (Survivor) I listened to the two that you mentioned, and it is, calming! If I listed the music I like, it would probably be a paragraph! but those mentioned above are the biggest ones.

I am not sure! I just LOVE all kinds of music.

Okay, so, 1. I don't really watch movies, since they can be rrrrrrrrreally long sometimes so I get tired. 2. I don't listen to podcasts. 3. My mom and my dad. 4. Spain, since I have started to learn Spanish. 5. Lunch 6. Playing the piano, painting, drawing, making crafts, doing puzzles, playing games and reading.

That would be the second person to want to go to Spain! It looks like a beautiful place! I luv that you know how to play the piano, that’s really neat! Thanks for replying!

1) Possibly "Timeless Christmas" I watched a Christmas movie in May haha! 2) I don't, I never understand podcasts because I can't hear them!! 3) My mom, few of counselors at my summer camp, and few of staffs at camp! 4) Portugal or Spain! 5) Lunch (idk why) 6) maybe collecting and doing puzzles, and definitely reading!

I luv Timeless Christmas and in my opinion watching Christmas movies in May totally awesome! Visiting Portugal or Spain would be so fun! Thanks for replying!

Yeah, no problem! My family said, "Watching Christmas movies in May are very bad!!" 🤣🤣🤣

Alright! I was hoping you would do this. 1. Umm.... I haven't seen too many good movies, but I would say, Rocky or, Sight, (Warning, it may make you cry, as it did my mom.) Oh, and also, Rise of the Beasts. 2. (I don't really listen to podcasts. that much.) I could say which one me and my dad do, but I feel as though some would be offended, (Politics). 3. Role model? Rocky Balboa, as I like how he never gives up, no matter how hard it gets. 4. Umm, I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, and Universal Studios Oh, and also, do you mean Nashville Indiana about one of the places you want to go? 5. I would have to say lunch too! 6. My fav hobbies? Working out, trying to upgrade my computers with the budget of pocket fuzz and a shoe string. Putting hop up parts on my go-kart, riding my bike, and going fast. I also like restoring old rusty mowers and reselling them. (the money is saved for a car). Well, that wraps it up! Thanks for this Techfashion!

I want to watch Sight so badly!!!! And I meant Nashville Tennessee, I didn’t know there was a Nashville in Indiana! 😂Thanks for replying!

Sure! About sight, Over all, I thought it was a very good movie, but some parts of it seem a bit strung out, to make the movie longer. I really enjoyed seeing it in theaters, and I think you will too! 😄 And about Nashville (Indiana), we go hiking all every Friday there, as it is only a hour drive. I don't know where you live, so it might be a longer drive for you. If you can get to it, I really recommend it! The trails are great, and the food is amazing! There is all kinds of Ice cream shops, and oooold restaurants, like from the 1800s and somedays, I actually think that building is going to fall on my head, as it is...... wobbly? LOL I am really not that big of a fan of old villages and towns, but this one, I really like! Oh, and also, there is huge pools, biking trails, horseback riding, and ziplining! But the one big thing I like are the trails, they are amazing! they go down ravines, through small streams, and more! I really enjoy it, I wish you could get to it too!

I actually saw the trailer for it in the theaters with my mom when we went to see Unsung Hero and it looked like such a touching movie! That’s cool about Nashville! I live on the east coast so it would quite a drive but still that sounds really neat! Thanks for sharing!

That's a shame, as it is about a 40 or 50 minute drive for us. We go pretty much every Friday, if nothing is going on.

The Rocky movies I like. are Rocky 3 and 4.

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