Summer Reading 2015

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!

How ? Its fun and easy.....
  1. Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
  2. Select books from Reading List
  3. Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
  4. Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
  5. Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 20 books per entry


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Reading List (78)
Prize List (76)
  • olliebob
    olliebobabout 9 years
    Dear Editor, I was wondering if next year you could put the whole series instead of the first book. Thanks!
    • cocollette
      cocolletteabout 9 years
      can i email the consent form?
    • happypug12
      happypug12about 9 years
      I've seen some people making suggestions on some upgrades for next year, and I have a suggestion: Maybe you could pick out a various number of books, maybe 200, I don't know, and let everyone vote for a specific number of books that they would like to see in the Summer Reading Program. Would that work?
    • felicisowl
      felicisowlabout 9 years
      Hey everyone :) I just wanted to inform you guys that there is a reading program in DOGONews - (and no it's not the summer reading program!) First of all, this reading program is year-round and it's called "The Advanced Reading Program." (At least that's what I call it!) Okay so first you ask to join the program by emailing the DOGONews editor. Her email address is She'll add you in the group of 'advanced reading' and will e-mail you when she gets new books. But before receive your AWESOME, FREE new books (just ask bibliophile, she's in the reading program too if you don't believe me :D) your parents have to sign a parental consent. When you email the editor and ask for the parental consent, she'll send you a link to the parental consent which you can print. When your mom/dad agrees to this program and signs it, you can then scan it and send it to the editor via email! It's that simple! For some of DOGONews' users who live in other countries (like nikukyu, bigmelo, maybe genius1326, etc) than the US and Canada, I just emailed the editor to ask her if you guys can be sent books too :) Hopefully you can so you can read all the free books.. but one catch - you have to review them - and not just one word like, 'cool', you have to write a pretty long (not too long) review about the book. So if you guys want to register for this amazing new program, just email the editor at Also, if you're joining the program, please reply to this comment :D And also.. help me spread the word! Have fun reading :D I guarantee you (been part of this program since November) this will not disappoint your crave for reading :D
      • felicisowl
        felicisowlabout 9 years
        Hey everyone! So I just want to answer your questions (if there's any questions that I don't answer, you can email the Editor at, she usually replies back..) Hullo - No, you can't write an excellent review for a book (like Wonder) and get that book for free (you can get a featured review and lots of points though for writing good reviews) The Editor gets selective books from different publishers that want to advertise their books. If you're not interested in that particular book (she gives out an email to everyone in the advanced reading club) you can say no. You have to email the editor and ask for the link to the parental consental form to have any chance of receiving the free books :) Your parents have to fill it out and they can scan it and email it to the editor at Good luck! Dumble123: Read my response to hullo above :)
        • hullo
          hulloabout 9 years
          So you get free books by writing really good reviews? Sounds really cool!! I am going to ask my parents if I can join
          • hullo
            hulloabout 9 years
            Question, if write a good review on ANY book you like for example 'Wonder' would I just get it free if I joined the program?
          • turtlenicole
            turtlenicoleabout 9 years
            I emailed the editor:) I am so excited to join!
          • dumbie123
            dumbie123about 9 years
            Wait... so does that mean you get books for free?
            • genius1326
              genius1326about 9 years
              Wait, one question. For example, I join the program, and review "Danger is Everywhere", and I can only get "Danger is everyone" as a prize? Wouldn't that be pretty weird, since you already read and reviewed it?
              • felicisowl
                felicisowlabout 9 years
                Okay, so if you reviewed "Danger Is Everywhere" and you got "Danger is Everywhere", it does make sense. I mean, it's not like the summer reading program where you can swap books - if you went to a Barnes & Nobles and you bought a book, you can't just exchange it for another book you like :) There's a lot of advantages to this program, you get to read cool, fun new books (chances are you'll like some of the books, maybe not all) ahead of almost everyone else, and besides, you get to choose if you want to read that book or not. If you read the summary and you think the book's not for you, it's not for you. If you reviewed it and you think it's horrible, then you can dispose of it. It is pretty fair :)
            • borntoswim
              borntoswimabout 9 years
              I'm also part of the advanced reviewer group in DOGOnews - I've been with it since the beginning. I have gotten some of the most popular books, some of the most anticipated reads, before anyone else and completely FREE. It's a great program and I would advise any avid readers to contact the email above^ if you are interested!!!
              • ocelot
                ocelotabout 9 years
                I've been with it since the beginning too!
                • felicisowl
                  felicisowlabout 9 years
                  I owe you a thank you, borntoswim :) I saw your comment on a Big Nate book (your comment was actually directed to ikyramarie) and that's when I joined this program :) Without your comment I never would have known about it :)
                  • borntoswim
                    borntoswimabout 9 years
                    felicisowl and ocelot: I'm so happy both of you joined the advanced review program, you are a great additions :D Keep reading!
                  • ocelot
                    ocelotabout 9 years
                    I am also part of the advanced reader program! It's a great program, and I really would enjoy if other users could join so we can spread the love of reading! Please share this with your friends and family! Again, the Editor's email address is: Thank you for taking time to read this and have fun reading!
                    • felicisowl
                      felicisowlabout 9 years
                      Awesome to know :)
                  • olliebob
                    olliebobabout 9 years
                    Hi Editor, I was wondering how long it might take for me to get my prizes- The Magic Half, and Wilder Boys. Thanks, Bye! :D
                    • ocelot
                      ocelotabout 9 years
                      No Matter where you live, (except outside of the US) by default, it takes 6-8 weeks.
                    • swirlycool
                      swirlycoolabout 9 years
                      editor i tried to join the james parttterson book club but it didn't say i joined how do i join?
                      • felicisowl
                        felicisowlabout 9 years
                        James Patterson Book Club is unfortunately, an "expired" book club, or not a current book club. You can't access the Book Club page without clicking on someone's James Patterson Book Club's badge who is already part of the Club and I'm not sure you can join currently.
                      • biharris
                        biharrisabout 9 years
                        Editor, I sent my consent form in three weeks ago. My account says it was never recieved. I'm worried it was lost in the mail. What should I do?
                        • editor
                          editorabout 9 years
                          you can scan and e-mail it to me at
                        • zombie457
                          zombie457about 9 years
                          do i read online or how?
                          • misstan
                            misstanabout 9 years
                            i was thinking about that to.
                            • editor
                              editorabout 9 years
                              No, you have to seek out the books from your local library or bookstore
                          • awesomessb
                            awesomessbabout 9 years
                            Thanks for my Giveaway Prize!
                            • sgand1
                              sgand1about 9 years
                              For next year's summer program, do you think you can put a whole series on the reading and prize list instead of just the first book? Thanks -Sgand1

                            Summer Reading 2015 has ended!

                            May 14 - September 30, 2015
                            Terms and Conditions

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