i like collector because it has a lot of scary details and is kind of scared me.I think a lot of people should read this book. Its obout a girl and her sister and there mom. they went to go live with there grandmother.there grandmother had strange rules . #1 never leave the window open at night #2 no dolls in the house #3 dont ever go in the woods.

The Collector
By KR Alexander
As Josie gets caught up in her illicit friendship with Vanessa, Annie is caught in the crossfire. What follows is a chilling tale of dark magic, friendship, and some verrrrrry creepy dolls.
Book Reviews (32)
I think the book was scary and some of my classmates screamed and when vannessa invited Ana and Josie to vannessa house when Josie and Ana saw the dolls I think Josie mind was scared the scary part was when vannessa to Ana Josie were behide Josie house. I pictured it in my mind what happend in the book.
WARNING: Do not read this book if you have an overactive imagination and are scared of the dark. I really liked this book because it has quite a few close calls that don't last long! This book was scary when we see all the staring dolls and true form of beryl.
The Collector is such an amazing book ! It has page turning scenes and is gut-wrenching. The ending is such an amazing cliffhanger which makes you want to read the sequel . I highly recommend if you´re looking to be frightened.
I think that the book Collector is a very good book.This book is scary in some parts.The book has very creepy dolls in it.A girl went to go live with Grandma Jeannie.The girl did not what to go live with Grandma Jeannie.Grandma Jeannie had three strange rules.1.No going in the forest behind Grandma Jeannie house.2.Keep the window closed all night no mater what.3.You can not bring a dolls in the house.Warning little kid should read Collector.
I really recommend the collector because its good to read on Halloween. The collector will give you the chills. K.r Alexander wrote this book to keep kids scared . Beryl was scary.
The book is about two little girls .Josie and Anna's mom lost her job in Chicago and live with grandma Jeannie.Grandma Jeannie had three strange rules, don't open your windows ever. No dolls, and no going into the forest. I encourage 4th to 6th grade to read this book
This book is a good book and scary. The reason it's a good book is because Josie solves mysteries of the missing children. The scary parts are mind blowing and give you goosebumps I consider 5th and up.
The Collector was a little scary on some parts.The thing that got me captivated was Josie's dreams.Her grandma has 3 rules ,1 never No dolls.2 Never leave your windows open and know going in the forest behind the house. Grandma Jeannie was trying to protect Josie and Anna from a from a monster named Beryl. Beryl likes dolls.Josie made a friend Vanessa. Vanessa was under Beryls spell Near the end Beryl turns Anna into a doll.Josie defeats Beryl .If you like scary books you should read The Collector.I think this book is a good Halloween story.
The Collector is written by K.R. Alexander. The collector has many fascinating details and characters in the book. One of my favorite parts in the book was when Beryl calls Josie's name. K.R. Alexander did a brilliant job on this novel. The book has a couple of reviews that said, " It is scary." To me it was not that frightening, but young ones might get a little alarmed. I would rate this book a 10/10.