The book Sunny Rolls the Dice is a realistic fiction book. It's about a girl in the 1950s who is going through friendship problems, growing up and not being "groovy" enough as well as tons of other things girls go through when they are 10-18. Sunny is having trouble coping with everything, but finds joy doing things she really does love. For example D&D. A game called dungeons and dragons from the 1950s or roller skating with her friends. Overall I thought this book had a nice plot but wasn't challenging enough for me. I would recommend this book to kids ages 8-10.

Sunny Rolls the Dice
By Jennifer L. Holm
Too cool for school . . . or the least groovy girl in the grade?
Sunny's just made it to middle school . . . and it's making her life very confusing. All her best friend Deb wants to talk about is fashion, boys, makeup, boys, and being cool. Sunny's not against any of these things, but she also doesn't understand why suddenly everything revolves around them. She's much more comfortable when she's in her basement, playing Dungeons & Dragons with a bunch of new friends. Because when you're swordfighting and spider-slaying, it's hard to worry about whether you look cool or not. Especially when it's your turn to roll the 20-sided die.
Trying hard to be cool can make you feel really uncool . . . and it's much more fun to just have fun. Sunny's going to find her groove and her own kind of groovy, with plenty of laughs along the way.
Book Reviews (12)
Title: Sunny Rolls The Dice Author: Jennifer L. Holms Genre: Realistic Fiction I'd give this book a 3/5 because it's hard to tell which character is which. One thing I thought was interesting was how she decided to rate herself instead of being okay with how she is. I would recommend this book for 4-6 because it's not very challenging but the plot is fun.
Title :Sunny rolls the dice Author: Jennifer L Holm & Matthew Holm Genre:autobiography/ Memoir I chose two for my rating because It was kind of challenging.I didn't learn anything from the book Sunny rolls the dice. what I found interesting about the book was that sunny Only cares about what her friends think about her and not what she thinks about herself. I would recommend this book too grades 3-6 because it is kind of challenging.
Yes! This book is great if you're worrying about fitting in, and dealing with the craziness of 7th grade!
Sunny Rolls the Dice is amazing! It is a must read! It is from the 1970s! The main character is Sunny!
This book is okay
In this book sunny is trying to be "groovy " but she ends up just not being groovy the entire book.Sunny has a best friend her name is Deb. Sunnys other friends now invite her to play dungeons and dragons. Sunny has a great time but after awhile of playing Deb says it's "not cool" and she isn't playing anymore . So sunny stops too. But she really wants to keep playing .. You'll have to read the book to find out what happens next..I love this book so much and recommend this book to all ages. Thank you for this review!-Pizzagirl7💋
I really liked this book! In it, Sunny Lewin becomes a seventh grader -I think- and play Dungeons and Dragons (a game I love), but her BFF, Deb, only wants to talk about boys, gossip , and all that stuff. I liked this book a lot. I give it five stars. Plus, I read Sunny Side Up, so this was satisfying. A great read.
Sunny starts to become a teenager and starts middle school. Her friend Deb wants to talk about boys, gossip,and love. Sunny doesn't really want to talk about any of these topics. So she decides to get through her imagination.
I heard it is good