Kids Books - Science Fiction

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)

By J.K. Rowling

I am a BIG fan of the Harry Potter series! It’s about this boy named Harry who lives with his mean aunt, uncle, and cousin. Then, on his birthday, he learns the truth about what really happened to his parents, and found out he was (and still is) a wizard! He gets to go to Hogwarts, a school for witchcraft and magic! On his first day, he picks Gryffindor, the brave, which is one of the four houses. He makes friends with Ron and Hermione, who are also in his house. He also learns about You-Know-Who, aka. Voldemort (who, by the way, has no nose 😂), and is determined to find out the secret behind the evil antagonist/villain. I would recommend this book, and the whole series to people who like fantasy and adventure! I’ve read all the books so far, and I’ll give it a five star! 🤩

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K. Rowling

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" continues the magical journey of Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with breathtaking excitement and enchantment. J.K. Rowling once again proves herself as a master storyteller, seamlessly weaving together elements of mystery, adventure, and friendship in a tale that will leave readers spellbound from start to finish. As Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year, he finds himself embroiled in yet another thrilling adventure, this time involving dark secrets hidden within the school's very walls. From the moment Harry sets foot in Diagon Alley to the climactic showdown in the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue. The mystery of the Chamber and the identity of the heir of Slytherin keep readers guessing until the very end, while the discovery of Tom Riddle's diary adds a chilling layer of depth to the story. But "Chamber of Secrets" is not just about plot twists and turns - it's also about character growth and development. Rowling delves deeper into the personalities of her beloved characters, allowing us to see new sides of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the gang. From Hermione's relentless pursuit of knowledge to Ron's unwavering loyalty, each character shines in their own unique way, making us laugh, cry, and cheer along with them every step of the way. Of course, no review of "Chamber of Secrets" would be complete without mentioning the delightful world-building that Rowling is known for. From the bustling streets of Diagon Alley to the eerie corridors of Hogwarts, the wizarding world comes alive with vivid detail and imagination, transporting readers to a place where magic is real and anything is possible. In conclusion, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is a triumphant continuation of the beloved series, filled with thrills, laughter, and heartwarming moments that will stay with readers long after they've turned the final page. With its unforgettable characters, mesmerizing plot, and richly imagined world, it's a book that deserves every bit of praise it has received. Whether you're a fan of fantasy or simply love a good story, "Chamber of Secrets" is not to be missed. Highly recommended.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

By J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third instalment in the Harry Potter series, and is by the incomparable JK Rowling. The Harry Potter series are described as 'children books', however, in my opinion, whether you're twelve or twenty two, I highly recommend them!! Now after a long summer (and some aunt abusing antics), Harry is back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with his trusty best friends: Ron and Hermione. Yet, secret and mysterious things are happening in the wizarding world, and Harry is not safe from the dark and dangerous people at large. Who is the infamous Sirius Black, who escaped from the notorious wizard prison: Azkaban? And what could the fugitive Black possibly want with Harry? Harry, Ron and Hermione, spend another magical year at Hogwarts, where Harry learns far more about his past then he could have expected. As always with Rowling's books, I loved Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! JK Rowling's words have a curious habit of coming to life, and her characters are funny, and realistic. One of the greatest things about Harry Potter, is that they improve with each book, and you can clearly glimpse the clever, intricate plot Rowling has wove, with cleverly placed foreshadowing and seemingly innocent hints. This book is undoubtedly darker than the previous ones, as Harry learns more and more about the sinister forces that threaten the wizarding world. The characters begin to get more developed and more complex, and an awful lot more interesting. I must warn you though, that once you begin, you'll find it almost impossible to stop! Once you finish, you'll be skimming through it again, finding seemingly obvious clues, thinking 'How did I miss that?!'. If that wasn't enough to get you interested, the Harry Potter covers have recently been redesigned, and they are even more stunning than ever! The Prisoner of Azkaban cover is by far my favourite: Harry heroically brandishing a wand, from which a silver stag has erupted! To no one's surprise, I give Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 5/5 stars!

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (Book 4)

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (Book 4)

By J.K. Rowling

It is the summer holidays and soon Harry Potter will be starting his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is counting down the days; there are new spells to be learnt, more Quidditch to be played and the Hogwarts castle to continue exploring. But Harry needs to be careful – there are unexpected dangers lurking… I absolutely love the Harry Potter books and out of the seven I'd probably say that The Goblet of Fire is my favourite, and this is mostly down to the creatures and other wizarding students we meet in the novel. As a lover of Hogwarts it's interesting to know what other wizarding schools are like in the world of Harry Potter, and to explore further the seemingly endless list of creatures. I can never find a boring or uninteresting moment in The Goblet of Fire and I never get sick of reading it again and again as it's so easy to lose myself in Harry Potter with the astounding events and distinctive characters. I really like how Hermione Granger strives through in this book as not just a clever girl, but as a girl with passion and determination. I like her complex personality; normally she is typecasted into just being 'intelligent', but Hermione is shown with a more girly and emotive side in this book, giving her more depth than just being Harry's clever friend. She is well-rounded and is more accessible as a regular person (though a witch) with feelings and a personality. In this book we regularly come across Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff, who allows us to see the Hufflepuff house in more depth rather than just briefly touching upon it as it has been in other books. I like how we can see the fairness Cedric strives to uphold throughout this book, showing us the value of Hufflepuffs. Anyone who hasn't read up to The Goblet of Fire should definitely re-think that decision as this is the book where it all changes and it's then impossible to not continue reading the rest of the books. The Goblet of Fire definitely deserves a 5/5 in my opinion.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

By J.K. Rowling

How do you think it would feel to be the only one to stop a being of pure evil? In the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.The protagonist is Harry Potter a teenage wizard boy who lives with his aunt and uncle. They treat him like he doesn’t even exist and his room is a cupboard under the stairs. The reason he lives with these horrible people is because his parents died at the hand of the antagonist Voldemort the greatest evil in the wizarding world. I find the book very interesting and descriptive. The author did a very well job making this book and this series in general. There are parts that made me quite sad as important things went on. Such as how someone very dear to Harry died right in front of him or how he has to struggle through having a very mean and evil teacher controlling Hogwarts. There are a lot of twists and times where you don’t know what to expect. J.K. Rowling created pure perfection in a paper back cover that will most likely live on and entertain many generations to come and withstand the test of time. Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix was a very thick book with eight hundred seventy pages and definitely not the last nor biggest book in the series. So far this book is my favorite and I recommend it to anyone looking for a great and long read. I believe J.K. Rowling did a amazing job in describing areas, characters and magical creatures in the book and the whole series. I also believe that this is straight from the heart and mind of the author and will inspire many whether it be adult or child to pursue their dreams and to never give up on what they believe in. The characters are all filled with such description from the way they speak to their dreams that they wish to come true. When you first introduced to characters you get a description of what their wearing, what they look like and how they seem to appear in stater. The ending was both wrapped up well and made me want to read more from the other books. I know I will feel sad when I finish the last two books, but I will feel happy to have read these books. I suggest this book to someone between the ages of 7 to adult because this book has odd words some people may not be able to pronounce.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)

By J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter starts another year at Hogwarts, knowing it will never be the same. Voldemort's reign of terror is in full force. Dumbledore has been mysteriously leaving Hogwarts for personal business. And we have yet another Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. This time it's... SNAPE! Dumbledore has held Snape from teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for a long time, but there is no other choice. Meanwhile, Dumbledore has recruited a new Potions teacher. Professor Horace Slughorn. Harry finds the old potions book of The Half-Blood Prince. With the new tips and tricks The Prince provides, he quickly becomes a potions whiz. The potions book not only holds tips for potions, but also made-up spells. Harry is brought with Dumbledore on a mission. A mission to find Horcruxes. Harry and Dumbledore come back, only to find Death Eaters in Hogwarts! What will happen next? You'll have to read the book to find out. I cried while reading this book. I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!! This book was absolutely stunning! This is my fourth time reading it, but my first time reviewing it. I love how J.K. Rowling is able to convey a story line that makes you think without getting you frustrated or confused. If the Harry Potter universe somehow came to life, I know Hermione and I would become instant BFF's. This book is great. Everyone should read it, especially if they like fantasy, but even if they don't they should give it a try!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)

By J. K. Rowling

I haven't read this series in... forever... I read the whole series when I was in third grade... (PRESENT) but I was looking at my mini library... and I saw the thick hardcover book(I even blew out the dust on the cover :P)... and it brought back so many memories :)... I remembered watching the awesome movies (Emma Watson and the twins lol), and going to Orlando to go the World of Harry Potter... NOTE: YOU HAVE TO DRINK THE BUTTERBEER... IT'S AMAZING...I really wished they have something like this in Cali... but I heard they are going to make a Harry Potter World in Universal *squeal* and I am soooooooooooooooooo excited :-D... but now I'm kinda getting off topic... so back to the subject... I blew the dust... and I started reading it over... and this is a *a kind of a SPOILER* So Dumbledore passed away *sobbing* from Snape; and now there are so many sacrifices to protect Harry from the evil Voldemort... Like Mad Eye had passed away *tears* and one of the twins (Fred and George [my fave/hilarious characters] ) got really hurt... by using a potion to look like Harry...but they do arrive at the Burrow.... Anyways they are looking for the Hocruxes to officially get rid of Voldemort for good... Later on a wizard tell Harry, Ron, and Hermoine about the Deathly Hallows... So honestly I really do not want to spoil anything... but here it goes... a lot happens... so most of it there's a lot of action where some people (SPOILER) gets tortured... SPOILER: Also Snape was actually one of the good guys (my suspicion was actually correct... Some of my friends who read these series thought I was crazy :D) *yay...* Anyways they are still looking for the remaining Hocruxes... Will Harry and his friends find the Horcruxes before it is too late? Will Harry defeat Voldemort for good or will he strike back? Well it is up to you to read and find out... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS AMZING BOOK AND SERIES FROM THIS REALLY TALENTED AUTHOR!!! Hope you enjoy :-D!!!!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, Special Rehearsal Edition Script

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2, Special Rehearsal Edition Script

By J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

This book is about the next generation of witches and wizards. Hermione and Ron are married and Harry and Ginny are married and have kids. Hermione and Ron have Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley while Harry and Ginny have James Potter, Albus Potter and Lily Potter. On Albus's first day of school at Hogwarts, James taunts him about the fact that he might be in Slytherin. Albus tells his dad (Harry) and Harry tells him that there's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin (which there isn't) and that it's okay. Aboard the Hogwarts Express, Albus befriends Scorpius Malfoy (Draco Malfoy's son) while Rose stays well away. SPOILER ALERT!!: The Sorting Hat declares that Albus is a Slytherin! He has to dodge rude comments and nastypeople who tease him just because he's in that house instead of Gryffindor. In their fourth year, Albus meets a young woman who, apparantly, is called Delpini Diggory or Delphi for short. SPOILER ALERT!!: Delphi is actually Lord Voldemort's daughter and plans to use Hermione's time-turner to get him back!! (But that's just cos she wants to see her dad one last time though.)The boys decide to help Delphi because she says that she is just trying to revive Cedric and says that he is her cousin. Will the boys stop Delphi before the world is ruled by the Dark Lord again?! Or will all be lost?! Find out in this book full of magic and mischief! Side-note: In 1998, Bellatrix Lestrange used a Amortencia (a love potion) on Voldemort and they had Delphi while he was in love with her. That's how blue and silver-haired Delphi was born. P.S. Sorry, I know I'm a massive Potterhead!!!

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 1: A Scare of A Dare (Volume 1)

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 1: A Scare of A Dare (Volume 1)

By Zack Zombie


Ever wonder what it would be like to be a Minecraft zombie? Well, just read this book to find out. In this book a Minecraft zombie tries to beat a bully named Jeff at getting a girlfriend named Sally Caddiver. Just to be cool he lies and says that he touched an iron golem, enemy of all Minecraft zombies. But then Jeff dares him to do it again! After his teacher finds him passing a note to his friend skellee, she reads it out loud to the whole class! And this zombie had a secret on that note saying who he wanted to be his girlfriend! Read this book to find out. I think only people who know how to play Minecraft should read this book because other people might not understand.

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 3: When Nature Calls (Volume 3)

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book 3: When Nature Calls (Volume 3)

By Zack Zombie


I love this book with all the great and awesome adventures!

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