The book if I stay by gayle Forman is about a girl named Mia who plays the cello and gets in a bad car accident. One day Mia's school gets cancelled so her and her family go to visit some friends. On the way there they get in a bad car accident and Mia's whole life will change. Once Mia is in the hospital she is in a coma and has to decide if she should stay and wake up a orphan or go with the rest of her family. My opinion on this book is that it's really good even though it can be sad at some points. I did not want to stop reading it and it left you at very exciting cliff hangers. This book is realistic fiction because anyone could get in a car accident or have to make a very big decision about their life. I think internal/external conflict showed in this book is man vs man because Mia has to make a decision about her life and is going against herself on if she should stay or go. This also showes man vrs society because everyone wants Mia to stay but she dose not know what to do. People who should read this book are people who like suspenseful stories and really realistic books. Other people who would like this book are people who could Maybe relate to it. I would definitely recommend this book.