love219's Activity (38)

  • love219
    love219 added a movie review.
    To me this movie was awesome because it had Black Panther, Thor, Thandos, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and so many more. I would give the movie 10/10 and also if it was out of 100 it would be 100/100 but in this case infinity/infinity.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • love219
    love219 added a movie review.
    Peter Rabbit was a good movie because it made me laugh so many time when Peter Rabbit was doing pranks on the guy. I would rate it a 10/10 and I would really recommend this movie because it would make your day if you were sad or if you just like movies like this.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • theamengirl247
    theamengirl247 added a book review.
    i love this book and i also have the book i loved to watch this becaues it would make me laugh and i think that tod was my favriote charter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Almost 7 years ago
  • love219
    love219 has watched this movie.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • love219
    love219 has watched this movie.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • theamengirl247
    theamengirl247 has read this book.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • theamengirl247
    theamengirl247liked a comment in Summer Reading 2018.
    Okay guys, since missdogobooks10 is away right now, I have some questions to ask you!!! What is the most interesting prize to you? What books have you read(you don't have to list all the books)? MY answers: 1 Brain Games 2 MR. Lemoncello's Library, The lightning thief, The Littlest Bigfoot! Don't forget missdogobooks10 and if she comes back lets all welcome her!!!
    Almost 7 years ago
  • theamengirl247
    theamengirl247liked a comment in Summer Reading 2018.
    Does anyone know how we get points in any way?
    Almost 7 years ago
  • love219
    love219 added a movie review.
    Black Panther was like one of the best movie I've every seen, I really would like to watch it again.
    Almost 7 years ago
  • love219
    love219 added a book review.
    I liked the book because its about greg who starts middle school and has trouble but figures his way out
    Almost 7 years ago

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3764tracey108274 points
3765src12274 points
3766silverfire274 points
3767mrskull99274 points
3768marvelman274 points
3769love219274 points
3770ladycat246274 points
3771kroncer274 points
3772jellybean14274 points
3773dogofrantic274 points