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    By Victoria Forester
    Almost 9 years ago
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    ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE NORTH By Philip Pullman The main character Lee Scoresby and his Deamond Hester: Lee is an aeronaut that travel in the north. His Deamond Hester is a female arctic rabbit. This story took place in a world that every one have a Deamond. A Deamond is a part of a person that took form in a shape of an animal. A can be any thing from butter fly to a lion. Deamond can speak in human language too. If your Deamond die you will die and if you die your Deamond will die, or if your Deamond is separate to far from you both you and your Deamond will die. When Deamonds die they will turn in to golden dust and disappear. Lee is a service aeronautic in Antarctica. The story start by lee’s balloon crashing down in a town. At that time he is still a learner so he is still not good at landing. There in the town he rent room to stay in. Then he a bar near by, there he meat with poem writer. He learn that the town is electing a Mayer, there are two candidate in this election. The old Mayer and a new candidate, the poem writer which is the new candidate helper said that the new candidate will by elect because he win the citizen heart by telling them that he will take care of the bears that are in the town. The white bears in the Antarctica are very good blacksmith. And, they can also speak! In the same moment in the bar, there is a ship captain complaining. So Lee ask the poem writer what is he complaining about. He learn that the captain can’t get the cargo in to his ship, because warehouse manager wouldn’t let him. Before Lee have the conversation with the poem writer, he is talking to a beautiful woman name Lone. And he fell in love with the woman but he does know if the woman like him or not. After he left the bar the poem writer invited him to mayor election with him. Because he think the new candidate would like to hire Lee. But when Lee are speaking to the new candidate which is now the mayor. He saw a man that he once know, he won’t except the offer to be hire. Because the man that he notice is a killer. So he knew that the new mayor is a bad man, and he notice a big strange canon in the room too. That night he can’t sleep and he heard Mrs. Lone crying so he went and comfort her. And she ask him for his advice in a problem that she is having. So he ask her does she want to do it, and will her decision hurt some one. And she said that she want to do it and decision might hurt some one. Later Hester told him that she is asking if she should marry a guy or not. In the morning he went to look at the ship of the captain, and the captain caught he looking. So Lee said he want to help the captain get the cargo in to his ship. While they are talking a white bear come out behind them and said that he want to help too. Because if they don’t get the cargo on to the ship on time the new mayor will take it and that won’t be good for the bears. So later Lee trick the warehouse manager to open the warehouse. Then they went in and get their cargo. Lee got shot in the shoulder while fight with the killer in the warehouse (he killed the killer). When he got out the captain already load the cargo and leave the dock. The mayor’s goons are near by and going to kill him. But soldiers come and said that they are going to arrest him. Then the soldiers took him on a ship, but when they stop the soldier let him go. A soldier told him that he marry Mrs. Lone and she told him to help Lee. Then the soldier take him to his air balloon. There the white bear is waiting. So they took on the balloon before the new mayor found out. THE END
    Over 9 years ago
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    THE FALSE PRINCE This book is written by Jennifer A. Nielsen The main characters, Sage: Prince Jaron in disguise as an orphan Tobias: one of the orphans the Conner choose to be the false price Roden: one of the orphans the Conner choose to be the false price Conner: a regent of the king This story taken in a country called Carthya. Where the royal family was murdered and a lot of noble people trying to trick their way to the throne. And one of them was Conner who is an adviser of the king. Conner's plan is to use an orphan and make him into Prince Jaron. Prince Jaron was attack by a group of pirate while he was traveling through the ocean, and no one know what happen to him. except for Conner because he is the person that hired the pirate to go kill Prince Jaron. And the pirate had to retrieve the crown of prince Jaron too. So he chose 4 orphans and kill one of them just so that the other 3 kids(Sage, Roden, and Tobias) would not to run away. Soon we have learned that Jaron had to escape from the ship before the pirate attack, because he didn't want to go to learn in another other city. So he escaped to Avenia(a city next to Carthya) and stayed with a priest. Then a few month later his dad found him and gave him some coins, fools gold and told Jaron how to use it. Then Jaron went to stay at an orphanage house. Then one day Conner came and took him from the orphanage. Then Conner took them to his house in Frathenwood. There Conner would trained them manner like how to eat and dress, how to sword fighting, how to ride a horse, language, and other thing a prince should know. Mott and Cregent are the teacher that taught them. Mott is a nice person. he liked Sage. But Cregent is a bad person. he liked to torture the kids when they do some thing wrong. While staying at Conner's house Sage make himself to be less discipline like not training hard on any thing. And every night he sneak out off the bed room and went to explore around, so he found secret passages through out the house. This secret came in to use when he found out that Conner took his fools gold. So he use the secret passage to sneak in to Conner's room and take back his fools gold. When Conner found out he was furious. So he sent him to the dungeon to be whip, then sent him back to train. Soon we learn that Conner will control the throne through the false prince. After they finish training, Conner choose Roden to be the false prince because he is good at sword fighting like Jaron and brave. Not like Tobias he is smart but he can't pick up a sword. But when Conner saw Sage doing knuckle roll he change his mine because prince Jaron is very good at knuckle roll. And, Roden and Tobias can't do knuckle roll. Then Conner going to kill Roden and Tobias, but Sage save them by tell Conner to them with him or he won't corporate. When they arrive at the castle, they found that many people are doing the same thing that they are doing. So Sage was not allowed to go inside the castle. So he tell Conner that he know a way in to the castle by going up a small stream and in to a small tunnel. While in the tunnel Roden turn against Conner he try to kill sage Reden lost, but Sage let him go. When they got in to the castle Sage went and in front of every body and said that he is Prince Jaron. But the Prime regent ask him to prove that he is the Prince. So Sage take got his fools gold and give it to the Prime regent and told him that it’s gold. So the Prime regent told every one that the king had told him that if a boy give fools gold to you and said that it is gold he is Prince Jaron. In the end Conner got put in to jail and people have a big celebration for the returning of the Prince. The End
    Over 9 years ago
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    The main Book Report Fiction novel, The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan, the author goal is to tell us that if your girl friend is in a big danger no one could stop you from going to help him even it is really dangerous. When Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover came to a school to get two half blood Bianca and Nico Di Angelo. But there is a monster came and get them first Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover try to get them back but the monster is to strong and has poison. But the Hunter ( they are girls that follow Artemis they are immortal until they get kill or broke the oath ( have love with boy) and go kill monster every where) came and shoot some arrow the monster. The monster sway of a cliff nearby, but Annabeth fell down the cliff to. The monster somehow use some magic to get away. So Artemis will go hunt the monster by herself. Before she go she send all the hunter to camp half blood, by riding the sun chariot (it it Apollo's chariot that can change in to any kind vehicle). And they went to the camp by fling on a bus that is fling 1000km./hour. After they went to camp one of the Hunter name Zoe dream about Artemis that she is in danger, so the camper and the hunter make a decision that 5 of the camper and Hunter the Thalia, Grover, Zoe, Bianca and one of the Hunter. In the morning Blackjacks( a Pegasus) came to ask for help a water cow(I don't know how to call it) that got trap in a net under the water. After he came back he herd Zoe and Bianca was talking about how it's going that a camper gave a chert the poison the hunter that is going to so she can't go. When Percy was listening he saw Nico is hiding near there. So when Nico saw him Nico knew the that he was going to sneak out, so he ask him to promise that his sister will be safe. And then Percy sneak out of the camp by riding on Blackjack. As he follow Thalia, Grover, Zoe and Bianca that were riding on a van. When they stop on a building, Mr.D had arrested them but Mr.D let them go. The main character: Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Grover, Mr.D, Zoe(one of the Hunter), Bianca(Nico sister), Nico(Bianca brother), Artemis(goddess of hunting and moon), Apollo(god of the sun) Luke, general (Atlas the titan that lift the sky) After Mr.D let them go Percy saw Zoe and every stop at a space museum. As he is fallowing he saw the monster the kidnap Annabeth near by, so fallow him in to a building by using Annabeth invisible hat. He had found Luke and the general in side the building. An he saw them grew a big monster, so went back to warn Zoe and the other but it is to late. So they fought the monster down and get away by the train. And then they went on anther train a the next station. After they got of the train, they got attack by some monsters. So they escape by riding on a big boar. Then they stop at junk yard of the god, so they walk throw it, but you must not pick anything up. But Bianca pick up a something to give to Nico. So there is big robot came out of the junk yard and its going to kill them so Bianca sacrifice herself by going in to the robot body. After that the robot felt apart and Bianca is gone. Every body is sad but they to keep going. So they got on some Canoe and went along the river to Hover dam and got attack by some more monsters. But they get away by riding on mettle big angle. Then Percy went to see an old man to ask him that what can bring an end to all the god. He said that it is the cow that he had help, because if you kill it and sacrifice it you will be very powerful that you can kill the gods. After that they went to mountain Tam to help Annabeth and Artemis. But Atlas and Luke was there so they to fight with them. Percy got a crazy idea so he toke the sky from Artemis and let her go fight with Atlas. When Zoe and Artemis are fight got hit the she flew and hit to a hard rock but Atlas got hit back so he flew and hit Percy that is lifting the sky, so Percy slip out and the sky fall on atlas. Mean while Thalia had fight with Luke push him of the cliff. After their is a party at Olympus. His father told him that Luke is not dead yet. After that they went back to came camp, he went to talk to Nico and told him that he cannot save his sister life. So he make a big crack and went down there. So Percy knew the Nico is Hades son. The End
    Over 9 years ago
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